About Dr Fadun

About Dr Solomon Fadun

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Dr Fadun

Dr Olajide Solomon Fadun

Dr Solomon Olajide Fadun (Solomon Fadun, for short) is a Risk Management Expert, Researcher, Entrepreneur, Personal &  Business Growth Coach, and Consultant. Dr Solomon Fadun is the founder and Chief Operating Officer of the Fadcon International Group.

Dr Fadun is a Patron of the Nigerian Legion, Eti-Osa East LCDA, Lagos, Nigeria, and a Major (CNC) of the Lagos State Command Corps of Commissionaries of the Nigerian Legion, Eti-Osa East LCDA, Lagos, Nigeria.

Dr (Major) Solomon Fadun is a researcher familiar with theoretical concepts and practical methodologies of critical action learning, management research and action research. Dr Fadun has several academic publications, including these selected publications.

Dr Fadun has authored numerous books. See some of the books written and published by Dr Fadun.


Dr Fadun has supervised several doctoral theses. Dr Fadun’s Doctoral Thesis Supervision spanned vast research areas in several institutions. Here are some of the Doctoral Thesis Supervised by Dr Fadun.


Dr Fadun has the technical expertise, research skills, and academic and professional qualifications relevant to research and professional mentoring. He has a doctorate (PhD) in Risk Management, Insurance and Financial Services, and an MSc in Social Research (Business and Management) at Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, United Kingdom (UK); BSc in Business Studies and Management at the University of St Mark & St John (MARJON), Plymouth UK; and ICT Baseline Qualification (Certificate of Competence) at Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow UK.

He has an MBA in Risk Management and Insurance from the Enugu State University of Technology (ESUT) Business School, Enugu State, Nigeria; an MSc in Economics from the Enugu State University of Technology (ESUT) Business School, Enugu State, Nigeria; and an HND in Insurance from Lagos State Polytechnic (Now Lagos State University of Science & Technology), Lagos, Nigeria.

He is a Specialist Member of the Institute of Risk Management (SIRM), UK; Chartered Insurer and Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria; Chartered Insurer and Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute, London; Member of the Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS); Member of the Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow (MIASG), UK; and Member, British Academy of Management (MBAM), UK.


Dr Fadun is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. He is also a Faculty and Doctoral Thesis Supervisor at the University of Liverpool Online, Liverpool. UK; Faculty and Dissertation Supervisor at the University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK; Faculty and Dissertation Supervisor at the University of Roehampton Online, London, UK; Postgraduate Tutor and Doctoral Thesis Supervisor at UNICAF Universities (including UNICAF Universities – Malawi, Zambia, Uganda; University of South Wales – USW; University of Nicosia – UNIC; Marymount California University – MCU; and University of St Mark & St John – MARJON); Adjunct Lecturer at Mountain Top University, Nigeria; and Adjunct Lecturer & Doctoral Tutor at Lead City University, Ibadan Nigeria.


Dr Fadun’s risk management expertise is highly sought because of the insight he provides in his risk management training and workshop facilitation. Following over 20 years of professional experience in financial markets (including America, the United Kingdom (UK), Africa, and some European countries), He has channelled his passion and skill for managing risk and now applies his extensive experience in assisting organisations to mitigate and manage their risk exposures professionally at the Fadcon International Consulting.

The Institute of Risk Management London has recognised him and granted him a Specialist Member. He also owns a risk management YouTube channel (Solomon Fadun—Risk Management of Everything).


Dr Fadun, Fadcon Educational Services, Nigeria’s leading international student recruitment agency. To ensure global student placement, FIES partners with international institutions (Universities and Colleges) globally including the USA, Canada, UK, UAE, Ukraine, Germany, Cyprus, Spain, Russia, Malaysia, France, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, Australia, Sweden, and Turkey.


Dr Fadun is a versatile entrepreneur and business coach. Dr Fadun is a Business and Personal Development Coach who offers business and personal growth coaching services via Solomon Fadun Coaching. He has helped and supported several individuals, entrepreneurs, and business owners to achieve their personal and business goals. Dr Fadun provides personal and business growth mentoring services. He is an efficient coach and mentor who assists clients in developing the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in life and business.

He is Information Technology (IT) Savvy with the right skills and intuitive knowledge to operate modern devices effectively. Dr Fadun is an experienced website designer via Fadcon Website Designer (Fadconweb). He also owns a website hosting firm called Fadcon Website Hosting (FadconHost).


Dr Fadun advocates for a cleaner environment and reducing greenhouse gases. Hence, he owns and manages Fadcon Solar Energy, a Solar Energy Solution Firm. Dr (Major) Solomon Fadun also own and manage Fadcon Security Services, a leading security services firm that specialises in providing comprehensive security solutions to clients in various sectors.


He is also a Domain Investor 🌐who turns domains into gold. Here are some of his premium domain names that are available for sale.


He is also an active YouTuber and owner of monetised YouTube Channels, including:



As a Risk Management Expert, Entrepreneur,  Coach, and Consultant, Dr Fadun offers a wide range of services, including:



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